CHG Financing Partner Conference 2020

Virtual event in the CI of CHG

"How can we organize our conference, which normally takes place as an event in Rotterdam, in the corporate identity of the CHG as a live stream presentation?"

This corona-related question is responsible for us of the lockdown. The requirements for the virtual representation became, on the one hand, an access-protected CHG microsite including a video player. Furthermore, the live stream was first streamed in English and then in German. The recordings of the live streams were then used as VoD on the site.

Other tasks were the creation of a script, the design of the set at the CHG headquarters and the entire communication of all those involved during the live streams. The answers to the incoming questions of interest were conducted through the use of Microsoft Surface devices.

Shortly before the start of the event, we created an intro for the live stream, which can also be used for any other streams.

Thanks to: SHOWEM Veranstaltungsstechnik GmbH, G&L GmbH
