Audi Video Management System
Cloud-based media archive and playout tool for communication channels
“To be able to easily find video footage and thereby be able to add content to all corporate channels at all times." That was the goal - and at the same time the birth - of the Audi Video Management System. features and creatures thereby automates moving image management. Thanks to online access to all films and videos, all content is centrally managed and archived and is thus available worldwide.
But the Video Management System is not only an effective archiving tool. It is also a playout system. The system also adds content to all company-relevant channels such as the intranet, YouTube, Facebook or individual screens in the company. Videos can be edited or shortened through the system and logos or lower thirds can be added. In addition, content can be provided via e-mail at any time – simply by mouse click.
The Video Management System simplifies the handling of corporate footage. It eliminates the bother of searching for videos and multiplies the value of videos thanks to easy deployment and the associated greater visibility.
features and creatures operates the Video Management System since 2013 on behalf of Audi AG. All motion picture channels, e.g. Audi MediaTV, the brand portal, the configurator or various screens at the factory are controlled by the system.
Thanks to: Exozet Berlin GmbH