Virtual 131st Annual General Meeting of AUDI AG

Livestream with public and protected areas

"We would like to hold this year's Annual General Meeting as a live stream and separate the various groups of viewers from one another for safety reasons".

According to the specifications of the Audi Communication, we divided the live streams into four different channels:

1. Audi MediaTV: Public part of the event; 2. Audi MediaTV for journalists: Closed area including player with safety mechanism; 3. Shareholder portal: Closed access for shareholders with the option of submitting questions in advance and exercising voting rights, Player with safety mechanism; 4. Audi mynet: Audi employees (intranet).

We encoded the respective streams into all relevant signal specifications and ensured the redundancy of the signals in advance. The access via the protected areas went smoothly, especially through the verification using two different security procedures for the two separately secured channels.

Thanks to: ShowEM GmbH, G&L GmbH, Computershare GmbH

